Baylie’s Wish

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Baylie’s favorite quote.

Baylie’s wish, was to avoid something she considered, worse than death. To not be trapped in a body that didn’t work. She would have been the first to step up, and save other students from enduring the same tragic fait. 

She wanted to make a difference. She loved being a helper, and had an innate need to protect other people. Baylie would have wished for more kindness in the world, for more tolerance, and for understanding. She was the one who would always stand up for others, who took control, the mother hen of the group, and the one who would intervene whenever it was needed.

Baylie was never the bystander, she was the voice. She was the one who would give up her time, and change her plans for the evening, just to help someone out. 

Baylie made sure that everyone was safe, and that no one was ever left alone. She would lead the group, make the responsible choice, and defend the actions of others. Always thoughtful, always competent, always trustworthy. Baylies role was that of a peacekeeper, always recognizing there were two sides to every story. 

The night of Baylies tragedy, there were a number of poor choices that were made. All of which, were completely out of character for Baylie. The events that contributed to her catastrophic injuries, were all events that could have been avoided.

The goal of Baylie’s Wish is to educate other students on how to avoid the same situation. To provide resources for students to help them navigate the social dilemmas they face when away from home, and to make the right choice, under the worst circumstance. 

Baylie’s Wish would be focused on students helping students. On selecting a senior volunteer student to be available by phone or text, when dangerous situations arise. To be the sober decision maker. To help students make safe choices. To know when to call authorities, how to identify danger, and to how to support a friend in need. 

Keep me safe

  • A safety campaign to provide in person education for incoming college students. 

  • To provide problem solving skills for real life events and scenarios to keep someone safe.

  • Resources to access safe rides, chosen by safe decision makers. 

  • Resources to provide funds if needed, to help a student get back home to prevent tragedy.

  • Education regarding the city, school, and stats. Risks that may not be known to them 

  • Education on the need for a health care proxy after the age of eighteen

  • Establish mandatory Health Care Proxies